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New Theme: Welcome to Fairadise!
The Cass County Ag. Society will hold public meeting every second Monday of the month at 7;30pm in the fair board office and annual meeting is November 10th at 7:00pm in the expo building.
Sunday: August 4th, 2024
Fair Buildings not open & Carnival not open
9:ooam 4-H Horse Halter and Performance Classes in Horse Arena
4:00pm-6:00pm OPEN CLASS enter ALL exhibits, including quilts, crafts, fine arts, photos, etc. in Expo Center. EXCEPT Garden produce, Agriculture products, Flowers and Baked Goods. Planted Whiskey Barrels can be entered at this time or Tuesday 8-10am.
4:00pm-6:00pm 4-H enter ALL exhibits except small animals, rabbits, poultry & clothing.
4:00pm-6:00pm Enter Special Contest (including Quilt Block, Religious, Holiday, etc.) in Expo Center
4:00pm-6:00pm All Lego and K-NEX items are to be entered in the Commercial Building (East of Expo Center).
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